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The Sailor Flag Line is built on many years of tradition



In 1981 the First Vermilion High School Flag Corps took the field. It was taught by none other than Lisa (Panebianco) Fiedler. The two middle schools also had flag corps. Lee was a member in 1981 as a 6th grader. In 1982 and '83 (Crescendo) VHS has a Winter Guard that competed in the Ohio Color Guard Circuit. From 1986-1993 there was only a middle school flag corps.

That was then this is now....Now we have a 16+ member flag line, a winter guard that competes and a middle school group who also competes.


Hardwork finally pays off with a Championship title.  The season is filled with tradgedy, sadness, and drama....at the same time we could celebrate and survive, reaching a goal as a group!

These 3 ladies go on to become members of "Collage Winter Guard" (2006 WGI Independent A-Top 15 Finalists)

Niki went on to spin with Juxtaposition Winter Guard of Columbus Ohio. (2009)

She is currently on staff with Vermilion Winter Guard and The Amherst Color Guard.